2023 Event WinnersBLIND MAN’S AUTO CROSS WINNERS – 2023Lady Drivers: First Place: Michelle Bird - with Navigator Brandon Bird – Time 0:01:48 Second Place: Erin Gambrel - with Navigator Matt Gambrel Time 0:01:57Men Drivers: First Place: David Ferguson - with Navigator Kyle Linderman – Time 0:01:45 Second Place: Ken McGowan - with Navigator Wendy McGowen – Time 0:02:12POKER RUN WINNERS – 2023FIRST PLACE - Dean and Kay Owen 5-5-5-5-2SECOND PLACE -Ronnie and Becky Norcross 2-2-A-A-ATHIRD PLACE-Jim and Kim Burcham 2-7-K-K-KSee all 2023 event photosFuel Economy Run ResultsQuick 60 Results2023 Car show winners2023 BEST IN SHOW WINNER