Must be registered to Participate
1. Blind Man’s Auto Cross:
A timed mini auto cross course that must be navigated by a blindfolded driver and a navigator. In a golf cart. This is a favorite event with both participants and spectators. Come join the fun!
2. Fuel Economy Run:
This is a fuel efficiency competition between like classes of Corvettes (25 classes in all). After fueling, the course takes you and your navigator through Arkansas back roads and small towns. After you run the course, you’ll fuel up again and your mileage and gas consumption will be recorded to see who has the best gas mileage.
3. Quick 60 Competition:
This is a timed competition event where you have 0-60 feet to accel as quickly as possible then 40 feet to stop. It is not about horsepower, it is all about ladies and gents showing their finesse in throttle and braking. (Burnouts are not allowed)
4. Scenic Tour:
Every year a new destination is selected for the scenic tour through the beautiful Ozarks. All the beautiful Corvettes with the back drop of the Ozarks is breathtaking.
5. Owner’s Choice Car Show:
The Owner’s Choice Show is spectacular. This is not a judged show so you can enjoy your Vette and hang out with your friends. Cars are parked by generation and voted on with random ballots from all registrants. There is also a Salute to our Veterans and First Responders and then the awards for the event are presented.
6. Poker Run:
Right after the award ceremony, head on out to take part in the poker run. Prepare to draw the winning hand while cruising in your Corvette through scenic landscape of NW Arkansas and the southern border of Missouri.
7. Parade of Champions:
The Parade of Champions consist of all the winners from the various events. The parade takes place from the Passion Play area down Highway 62 to the Inn of the Ozarks. The highway will be lined with hundreds of people excited to see the beautiful Corvettes.
8. Bon Voyage Breakfast:
Come join us for breakfast before you head back home. Information about the breakfast will be in your registration packet.